About Us

America’s Best Choice

America’s Best Choice was founded by window industry veterans whose mission is to provide customers with the best value and best service in the home improvement industry. At America’s Best Choice, our industry professionals have partnered with leading window, door and siding manufacturers throughout the United States to bring homeowners exceptional quality, exceptional prices and energy efficient products that will save you money.

America’s Best Choice is one of the fastest growing home improvement and window replacement companies in the United States. Our independently owned and operated locations ensure that each homeowner receives local attention to ensure a great sale and service experience. All of our independently owned locations receive extensive training, keeping them up to date with the most recent regulations and technical advances in materials and techniques.

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TrustDALE Recommends America’s Best Choice

Upfront Pricing, No Gimmicks, No Hidden Charges

America’s Best Choice does not subject homeowners to high-pressure sales tactics. We firmly believe in providing homeowners a direct and honest approach to pricing each project. All our products and installation costs are provided in a preprinted, easy to understand format, allowing homeowners to build windows to their specifications and to their budgets.

Professional Installation

Installers go through a strict screening process, ensuring homeowners are treated in a way that exceeds expectations. Installers will make certain all questions are answered before, during and after the installation is complete.

Unbeatable Warranties & Guarantees

The America’s Best Choice warranty is a three-pronged protection coverage provided to every customer. Each customer receives a manufacturer’s warranty that includes a Limited Lifetime Warranty, and covers operation, parts and seal failure type of items.

Customers also receive an additional supplemental warranty from America’s Best Choice Windows, Doors, Siding and More. The supplemental warranty adds lifetime accidental glass breakage and also provides lifetime warranty for our installation.

Customers of America’s Best Choice of Atlanta are also provided a “Make it Right” guarantee from consumer investigator TrustDALE.

TrustDALE stands behind our products and installation with a $10,000 Make-It-Right guarantee that gives customers an advocate and coverage for any type of fulfillment issue. Only applies to Atlanta dealer.

The best products, best prices, best install and triple layer warranties truly make us America’s Best Choice!

7-Point Investigative Review: Consumer Service Providers

The TrustDale Investigative Process is completed through a personal interview with the business owner or representative, a completed application, public records search, and secret shopping. TrustDale disclaims any liability for any and all inad- vertent inaccuracies.

  1. Price: The Company must price its main product or products competitively (unless there is a significant difference in the quality of the product). The Company must honor the price it advertises, and not use unavailable products to lure and trap customers into more expensive products.
  2. Verified Reputation & Customer Service: The performance of each company is continually and systematically reviewed for delivery of excellent customer service. This is achieved by conducting follow up surveys of customers who have contacted recommended service providers.
  3. What Would Cardwell Do: Dale Cardwell developed a proven standard of consumer fairness through thousands of real-world problem-solving experiences. This created the basis for “What Would Cardwell Do?” in regard to whether Dale would choose to personally do business with this Company.
  4. Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs, Consumer Publications, FTC: Each Company is reviewed through the pertinent agencies and publications.
  5. Licensing, Professional Certification, Insurance and Bonding: Each Company is reviewed for proper professional credentialing.
  6. Lawsuit Search and Review: A review of the Company’s litigation history is completed to assure no history of unprofessional or illegal business practices.
  7. “Make it Right Guarantee”: The Company agrees to accept and abide by TrustDale’s Make it Right Guarantee.

Make It Right Guarantee

Must be activated within 90 Days from Original Date of Purchase
All TrustDale certified businesses providing general consumer services (excludes health and wellness providers) must agree in writing to accept and abide by the following:

  1. Customers have a right to extraordinary customer service.
  2. My current warranty and customer service are among the best available in the field.
  3. I ensure complete customer satisfaction, by offering the TrustDale Make It Right guarantee.
  4. The TrustDale Guarantee becomes valid when a customer contacts the vendor through TrustDale, or confirms his purchase on TrustDale.com within 24 hours of the transaction.
  5. The TrustDale Guarantee states that if the customer is dissatisfied with a product, repair or customer service, the customer will first employ the avenues of redress made available by the business’ customer service agreement. In the event that at the conclusion of the process the customer remains dissatisfied, he/she will have the right to take the grievance to TrustDale. within 90 days from the original date of purchase.
  6. I will allow TrustDale and an independent expert in the field to review the customer’s complaint. If upon conclusion of review, the independent expert and Dale agree that the customer’s position is justified, I agree to abide by the recommendation of TrustDale to Make It Right.
  7. Make It Right means the vendor will repair/replace the product as recommended by TrustDale, or will pay for the product to be repaired or replaced, or will reimburse the customer for the cost of the repair/product at a price up to, but not to exceed, the original price paid by the customer.

The America’s Best Choice of Atlanta Dealer is certified by TrustDale.com!

Six-time, Emmy Award-Winning, Consumer Investigative Reporter Dale Cardwell applies nearly 30 years of investigative experience to help you make sound, researched decisions about products and services essential to your family, home, finances, business and health.

Dale launched his unique, business review and consumer advocacy company TrustDale.com in 2009, with a desire to directly empower consumers with solutions. This successful enterprise has now grown to encompass a multi- media platform including online, TV and radio. Thousands rely on TrustDale.com, the free online resource where consumers can obtain Dale’s recommendations to find the best local businesses. Dale and his consumer investigative team stringently vet and review businesses according to reputation, price, quality and customer service. Those meeting the highest standards are eligible to become TrustDale “Certified” gaining Dale’s personal endorsement and the opportunity for promotion through TrustDale’s multi- media presence.

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America’s Best Choice is one of the fastest growing window replacement companies in the United States.

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