7 Dual, 362 and triple glazing options from ¾” to 1¼” for maximum energy savings in all glass configurations.
8 Duralite Insulated Glass Spacer technology for highest possible energy savings.
9 Patented bulb seal design location for tight compression fit at head reduces air infiltration and saves energy.
10 Optional RoboSync Lock hardware provides easy locking, unlocking, and tilt-to-clean from one central point and a smooth, uninterrupted, fully concealed tilt latch sight line.
11 Continuous InterLock promotes security and structural strength.
12 Full width lock rail weather stripping to virtually eliminate air infiltration.
13 Telescoping/welded sloped sill detail for outstanding structural/water and thermal performance.
14 Triple weather seal keeps out air, water, and saves energy..
15 Patented Storm InterLock design for maximum structural performance – Patent Number 6,826,871.