Replacement Windows: Replacing Them All Together

Replacement Windows: Replacing Them All Together

One of the questions a lot of our clients ask us is if they have to replace all their windows at the same time. We understand why they would ask us this. Installing new replacement windows in your home can be an expensive undertaking. You may be afraid to take the plunge. However, most homeowners realize that the money they’ll save in the long run more than makes up for the cost of their new windows. We suggest you call a team of window installers near you and find out what they think. They’ll give you an honest and expert opinion on whether you should do some or all of your windows.

One complaint from a lot of homeowners is that the people they hire to install their replacement windows pressure them to replace every single window in their home. When someone is put on the spot like that, especially where it concerns finances, it can make for a very uncomfortable experience. We don’t operate that way. We will give you our honest opinion, but the last thing we want to do is use high-pressure sales tactics on our customers.

With our company, you don’t have to worry about our agents pushing you to buy replacement windows for your entire home. If you’re not willing or able to do that right now, that’s your prerogative. Our goal is to make our clients happy. If that means we do half your windows today and the other half a year or two from now, so be it. You have your own preferences and priorities and it’s not our place to question or judge them.

Not All Homeowners Can Afford to Do Massive Renovations

The economy has been in the toilet for quite some time now. While not all homeowners have suffered the brunt of the second recession in just fifteen years, many have. We understand that not everybody is in a position to take on massive home renovations right now. As pointed out earlier, the last thing we want to do is pressure or force a homeowner into doing something they’re not ready to do.

We suggest that you determine what your budget is before you call window installers near you. This way, when they come out to do your free estimate, they know what they’re working with. Be honest and upfront with them. If you only have $5,000 to work with, tell them that. If you decide to go with moderately priced windows instead of the top-of-the-line windows, that’s okay. Not everyone can afford to spend $20,000 on new replacement windows for their home.

There are Some Home Renovations that Make Fiscal Sense

While we understand that you may be on a budget, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve new replacement windows. Our team of window installers near you respect your financial decisions. However, you do have to understand that certain renovations make more sense than others.

Imagine that you have wall to wall carpeting in your house. You prefer carpet and have no interest in installing hardwood floors. You decide that you’re tired of the color of your carpet and want to have new carpet installed throughout your home. You end up spending more than $12,000 to do this.

Now, while your carpets may look and feel nice on your feet, what has this investment really done for you and your family? It certainly isn’t going to help you save on energy bills. Nor will it keep cold drafts from attacking you in the cold, winter months. At least when you spring for replacement windows, you know you’re making an investment that will eventually save you money in the long run.

Window Installers Near You Can Do the Job Piecemeal if You Want

It’s easy for your neighbors to tell you to get all your windows done at one time. they aren’t the ones paying for it. Nor are your coworkers or in-laws. You need to make the best decision for yourself. If you know you can’t afford to replace all the windows in your home, our window installers near you can do it piecemeal. Let us know which windows you want to replace first. Then we can work our way through the rest of the house over time. Whatever works for you from a financial perspective is what we recommend you do.

Replacement Windows Will Save You Thousands of Dollars in the Long Run

One of the nice things about replacement windows is that they can help cut down on your energy bills. Between your heating and air conditioning bills, you’re probably paying a couple of thousand of dollars extra every year. Not only that, but you’re also not living in a warm or cool house most of the times. Your replacement windows can help you save money over time and will start paying for themselves from day one.

Contact a Team of Window Installers Near You Today

If you’re ready to move forward with your replacement windows, it’s time to contact window installers near you. This isn’t the kind of thing you can do yourself. Even if you’re the best DIY person on your block. There is a right way and a wrong way to install new windows. It’s a good idea to leave this to professional window installers near you. Whether you’re looking to replace some or all of the windows in your home, there’s not time like the present.

We suggest that you contact our office and request your free estimate. One of our window installers near you will come out and inspect your home. First, they can tell you if there are any windows in desperate need of repair or replacement. Then they can show you various styles and brands to pick from. Once you decide how many windows you want to replace, they can give you an idea of what it will cost. Sometimes, homeowners decide to start with a few windows in the main parts of their home. Then, weeks later, they realize they should just go ahead and replace them all.

If you’re interested in replacing the windows in your house, just give us a call today. One of our expert window installers near you can set up a date and time to visit your home.

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